How do I start a reference letter process at zeugnis.ch?
Click the on the Home screen to start a new reference letter process.   The process can be started by HR staff.
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 12:44 PM
How do I check my reference letter credit?
Select the   button from the top right side of the application window or your user name to get access to the “reference letter credit” menu item.  
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 12:49 PM
What do I do if the supervisor has not received an invitation email?
It can sometimes happen that supervisors no longer have the invitation email for zeugnis.ch.  The supervisor has never received an email from the system ...
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 12:50 PM
How do I write a reference letter? I cannot find the icon.
If you have selected the category of "Write a reference letter" under "My tasks", is the   icon, intended for the writing of a reference...
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 12:51 PM
How can I start to write a reference letter?
You have received an assessment carried out by the evaluator and want to start to write a reference letter.   It is absolutely necessary to assign an auth...
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 12:52 PM
How do I include individual comments into a reference letter?
It is recommended to include any individual comments in widows provided in the section where the text blocks are selected. The individual comments will be t...
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 12:52 PM
Why cannot I find the icon for writing?
The icon for writing is not displayed if I do not have evaluator rights.   Only HR users, respectively authors can write reference letters.
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 12:53 PM
Why does not the Word file open?
It can sometimes happen that you are unable to open the Word document after the creating of a reference letter. There might be several reasons for this:   ...
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 12:53 PM
How many HR users per customer can use the tool?
zeugnis.ch can be used by any HR user who has an HR-user account.   Every customer can create an unlimited number of accounts for his HR staff.   For mo...
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 12:54 PM
What is an express reference letter?
The «Express» category is applied to reference letters which are delivered within 5 working days.
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 12:55 PM