
Instructions for HR
1. Login   You (HR) initiate a reference letter process by sending an automated email to a line manager. The line manager can log into the reference lette...
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 2:28 PM
Instructions for Line Manager
1. Login   HR starts a reference letter process by sending an automatic email to a line manager. The line manager can log in the reference letter tool via...
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 2:25 PM
Overview of roles and rights
The roles in are as follows:   HR  HR is a person who is responsible for reference letter processes, initiating and managing them. HR is alway...
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 1:46 PM
Status overview
The following table outlines all statuses of a reference letter process.   Status Which role has to perform a task? What shall the role do? Init...
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 1:46 PM
Icon overview
Please find below the meaning of all icons you can find in the tool: Refresh the page or table   Initiate a new reference letter process Del...
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 1:46 PM